Friday, November 25, 2011

Share the Love :)

 Model: Andree de Villers. Photographer: Rob Fournier. Circa: 2010.

We are really excited to have the blog off to a running start so we are ready to share the love!!  We would love to hear your feedback and suggestions of topics we should post about!  We want to be continuously updating our glossary so if you have suggestions for that as well - let us know!!

We have so many friends in the industry so we will be bringing in plenty of guest bloggers to share their knowledge and experiences with you! We're so excited for the potential this blog has!!

We know that we have just gotten started, but if you love what you see so far, share the love!!!  Tell your friends and share this site with anyone that you think it would help!!!  We want to make this site as beneficial as it can possibly be!!

Andree & Sarah

1 comment:

  1. I strongly recommend and would like to represent the photographer. My name & company are cited at the Photographer´s Market-2015 book.
