Friday, November 25, 2011

Finding your Nude Niche

With so many different types of nude modeling out there, we thought we would break down the basic types!! What you choose will be based on what you're looking for - money, artistic expression, fashion, etc!  If you have any questions, comments or would like to hear about a different type of nude modeling - just comment and let us know!!

Andree & Sarah

Implied Nude Modeling
Typically you are not going to be able to make a career out of being an 'Implied Nude Model', however it is something that is seen constantly from high fashion to artistic nude photography.  Normally during an implied shot you are nude and simply covering yourself.  Depending on the circumstances however, you may only be partially nude, as an example, topless. 

 Model: Andree de Villers. Photographer: Steve Richard. Circa: 2007.

Artistic Nude Modeling
Think about what you'd expect to see featured in a gallery or in a coffee table book and you have Artistic Nude photography.  These are particularly strenuous shoots as you are often asked to twist and stretch your body into awkward positions and hold them for a long time, in order to achieve a certain shadow or muscle ripple.  In addition to the above, Artistic Nude shoots are often done on location, sometimes in the beauty of nature and sometimes in rundown abandoned factories in order to achieve a stark contrast. Therefore you may end up naked on a rusted out wheel with spiders crawling all over you.  Also, do not expect to make any money shooting Artistic Nude shoots. It's all for the love of art!

Model: Andree de Villers. Photographer: Eric Boutilier-Brown. Circa: 2008.

Nude Glamour Modeling
Glamour Modeling is all about the model and how incredibly beautiful or sexy they are.  Nude Glamour Modeling is just the same.  You are often going to see a lot of airbrushing in play for these types of shots.  Nude Glamour Modeling is more of your Maxim online girls then Playboy as an example.  There's a fine line between Nude Glamour Modeling and Soft Core Adult work and honestly everyone's line is different.  The key thing to remember is that the point of a Nude Glamour shoot is to make the viewer want the model!! So work it girlfriend ;)

Model: Andree de Villers. Photographer:WForrest Photography . Circa: 2007.

Fetish Modeling
Fetish Modeling covers such a massive variety of scenarios it's hard for us to try to sum it up in a paragraph.  There are two key differences you need to know. Fetish Fashion shoots are when you are in Fetish gear aka, Corsets, Latex, PVC, Light Bondage, Straight Jackets, Medical, etc.  Fetish shoots could mean a much wider variety of things.  It could be Rope Suspension, Heavy Bondage, Ball Gags, Nipple Clamps, etc.  If you are into Fetish and want to explore that world we can definitely go into more detail on a further post - just leave a comment and let us know!!

Model: Andree de Villers. Photographer: Sarah DeVenne. Circa: 2008.

Adult Modeling
Again, what is soft core and what is hardcore is completely subject to personal opinions.  Generally speaking, magazines such as Playboy would be considered to be 'Soft Core' and magazines such as 'Hustler' would more considered more 'Hard Core'.  There are many photographers out there who 'claim' they can get you into magazines such as the ones we listed above, however this is not always the case. Some of our closest friends have been extremely successful in the adult industry - both in film and photography, so we will be happy to have them post if there is interest!!

 Model: Andree de Villers. Photographer: WForrest Photography. Circa: 2007.


  1. I would love to hear about the adult industry from you guys. As well as anything else. Love this blog! It's helping me prepare for my first nude. So far the thing that I enjoyed the most from the blog was the advice suggesting loose comfy clothes to the shoot and not sugar-coating the fact that you will have to work hard using your muscles and flexing and such. Also, I was happy to read your tip to photographers about showing photos during the shoot - I can see that helping everyone.

  2. We am so glad that you are enjoying the blog! We am actually holding off on the adult post as one of Andree's best friends is a leader in the Canadian adult film industry and will be able to provide fantastic insight beyond our own.

    We are happy to hear that the blog is providing you guidance leading up to your first nude shoot! As always, if you have any specific questions or require clarification - we invite you to ask! We are here to help :D

    Andree & Sarah
